Tuesday 29 March 2022

"Unfuck Your Brain: Using Science to Get Over Anxiety, Depression, Anger, Freak-Outs, and Triggers" by Faith G. Harper - audiobook review

This audiobook is mostly annoying, which is a shame because the author has some useful experience and insights to share. The first thing that struck me is how unprofessionally it is recorded. There's constant background noise like a computer fan or air conditioning unit. You really notice the difference comparing it to something that is recorded properly in a studio. The editing is also noticeable in places and the chapters and sections run into each other without enough of a pause to let the conclusion sink in. I also found the swearing grating and mostly unnecessary. I can understand why it's written that way and the book title certainly caught my attention when I was browsing the Plus Catalogue, but I wish I'd read the other reviews and saved myself the bother by not listening to this book. The swearing and informal tone undermined the seriousness of the subject matter and made me less trusting of the author. I'm a completist, so I persisted with this book even though I wasn't enjoying it. The second half of it is a bit more serious, with less swearing. I think you could learn some of the same things in another book that is better written, for example, The Chimp Paradox: The Acclaimed Mind Management Programme to Help You Achieve Success, Confidence and Happiness.

Friday 18 March 2022

"The Year of Reading Dangerously: How Fifty Great Books (and Two Not-So-Great Ones) Saved My Life" by Andy Miller - audiobook review

Thank you, Andy Miller. What a wonderful, inspiring book about reading that makes me want to read more. It's funny and profound, wistful and sarcastic, admirable and tear-jerking. I'm now going to check how many books are on the front cover. I hope it's 42.

Saturday 5 March 2022

"Real Oxford" by Patrick McGuinness - book review

What a wonderful book! I've loved Oxford ever since my first visit; but this book makes me appreciate my city even more - connecting its neighbourhoods and histories, ghosts and people. For anyone who has any connection to Oxford, I can't recommend this book highly enough.